الأربعاء، 15 أبريل 2009

أسئلة ذكاء ومرح وتحدي

هنا اربعة أسئلة للمرح وتختبر قوة التفكير والتذكر فكن سريع الاجابة وتلقائيا :
السؤال الاول :
كنت في سباق وتجاوزت المتسابق صاحب المركز الثاني فما هو مركزك الحالي ؟

السؤال الثاني :
كنت في سباق وتجاوزت آخر عداء فما هو مركزك ؟

السؤال الثالث :
اجمع هذه الارقام بسرعة :
خذ 1000 ثم اضف له 40 ثم زد عليه 1000 ثم اجمعها مع 30 ثم اضف 1000 ثم زد عليها 20 كما اقترح ان تزيد 1000 ثم اضف 10 فما هو مجموع هذه الارقام.
السؤال الرابع :
والد ماريه لديه خمس بنات هن :
1/ بتول
5/؟؟؟؟ من الخامسة

الاجابات كالتالي :
الجواب الاول : المركز الثاني
الجواب الثاني : لايمكن ان تتجاوز الاخير لانه لا يوجد احد بعد الاخير والا كيف سيكون الاخير ؟ وهذا السؤال يقيس القدرة على التفكير .
الجواب الثالث :المجموع الصحيح 4100 اي اجابة خلاف هذا خطأ انها ليست 5000
الجواب الرابع : مارية . لانه والدها

أسئلة ذكاء ومرح وتحدي بالانجليزي

The Stupid Test! Here Is A Fun And Real Challenge!
Posted by viznine 08:06

The Stupid Test! Here Is A Fun And Real Challenge!OK। Pay close attention। Here is a very simple little test comprised of four easy question to determine the level of your intellect। See if you have what it takes to be considered smartYour replies must be spontaneous and immediate, with no deliberating or wasting of time . and PLEASE no cheating!On your mark, get set, GO!1: You are competing in a race and overtake the runner in second place.In which position are you now?Answer: If you answered that you're now in first,you're wrong!You overtook the second runner and took his place, therefore you are now in second place.For the next question try not to be so dim.2: If you overtake the last runner, what position are you now in?Answer: If you answered second to last, you are wrong once again.Think about it...How can you overtake the person who is last? If you're behind them, they can't be last.You would have been last.It would appear that thinking is not one of your strong points.Anyway, here's another question to try. Don't take any notes or use a calculator, and remember, your replies must be instantaneous.3: Take 1000. Add 40. Add another 1000.Add 30. 1000 again. Plus 20.Plus 1000. And plus 10.What is the total?Answer: 5000?Wrong again!The correct answer is 4100.Try again with good calculator.Today is clearly not your day, although you should manage to get the last question right...4: Marie's father has five daughters:1. Chacha2. Cheche3. Chichi4. Chocho5. ?Question: What is the fifth daughter's name?Think quickly... you'll find the answer below॥Answer: Chuchu?WRONG!It's obviously Marie!Read the question properly.